Research Papers
Recent and important research papers relating to laminitis, EMS and PPID are listed: by author by date by subject Where full papers are accessible on the internet, the title to the paper appears underlined and links to the full paper. Papers considered not so important but of interest may be listed on the Friends of The Laminitis Site forum. |
Useful websites and information
PubMed - search for any published paper
Deepdyve - The Laminitis Site subscribes to Deepdyve, this enables us to access and report on many published papers at a much reduced rate. Please help us to continue to access published papers and bring you the latest research by making a donation to The Laminitis Site.
Library and Archives Canada - search for a thesis or dissertation in Canada
Australian Equine Laminitis Research Unit - Andrew van Eps, Chris Pollitt
See also Journals
Australian Equine Laminitis Research Unit - Andrew van Eps, Chris Pollitt
See also Journals